The Chess Variants Club Download

Bughouse & Crazyhouse

Hybrid Chess v.0.2 This is a graphical chessboard (like XBoard) for new chess variant called 'hybrids'. It is also intended to support other variants, at least the ortodox one; save/load games in PGN format; communicate to chess engines and.; Chess Z v.11 The most efficient way to improve your chess.; Grand Master Chess v.2.0 Grand Master Chess – a highly detailed 3D art piece, keeping. Jocly Chess Variants free download, and many more programs. Twitch Prime - Get Free 30-Day Trial - an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The Chess Variants Club - Casual, I. Each variant will teach you something new and interesting about chess. They are fun to play, and they will sharpen your mind and your chess skills. If you get tired of playing normal chess, you can enjoy these fun chess variants. Give Away Chess: The object of the game is to give away all your pieces. The first person to lose all their pieces wins. Classical chess is fine and fun. However, variety might add some spice to your chess life. Which is why Dagne Ciuksyte enjoys chess variants. They are fun, they are surprinsingly instructive and they help your classical chess. Here are some chess variants you might want to try.

BugAssistant – BPGN viewer for examining bughouse databases. – Every darn thing you need to know about bughouse along with software to help you play it better.

d2d4 – Bughouse tutorials, annotated games, and a discussion forum.

Deep Bug – Bughouse-playing chess engine.

Ebenfelt’s Bughouse Page – Rules, strategy, links, server comparisions, etc.

ErrantFischer’s Bughouse Page – Bughouse strategy, tactics, & featured games.

Sjeng – A computer chess engine that plays bughouse & crazyhouse.

Sunsetter – Another bughouse / crazyhouse engine — ability to play on a chess server.

Thief – A special online graphical interface made mainly for bughouse.

Wild Game 24: Bughouse – Rules and strategy, and how to play on ICC.

Other Chess Variants

Bishops – Four-player variant you can play online with java applet.

Cardinal Super Chess – Chess on an 10×10 board with the addition of a new type of piece, the “Cardinal”.

Checkmates – Four player sets for sale.

Chessapeak Games – 4-player partnership chess.

Chess 2 – The “fool” and the “knave” join the rest of the pieces.

Chess Variant Applets – Play dozens of chess variants against a computer opponent.

Chess Variant Pages – Huge site with rules for TONS of chess variants.

Chexx – Two to six player hexagonal chess.

4-Player Chess – Four-player chess set for sale.

Global Chess – Futuristic version of chess played on two circular discs.

Go Chess – Variant on a 10 x 10 board. Play online with a java interface.

Gothic Chess Association – Rules, tournaments, and (soon) software for this variant. Played on a 10 x 8 board with some new pieces.

HexiChess – 3-d hexagonal chess.

Kung-Fu Chess – Chess is now an action game! An amusing, if not nerve-racking diversion. Play online instantly.

Losing Chess Strategy – How to lose your pieces efficiently in Suicide Chess.

Ministers Chess – Played on a 9 x 9 board with two queens, called “ministers”, one on each side of the king, creating a symetrical game. Sets / boards for sale, and you can join the “Ministers Club”.

Omega Chess – Played on a 10 x 10 board with two extra pieces, this variant has some GM support. See the game Judit Polgar played against Alex Sherzer.

Pi Team Chess – Interesting product intended mainly for children to develop teamwork and critical thinking skills.

Power Chess – Interesting idea: chess with one half of the board shifted one square over, creating two extra triangular squares on the middle edges. All is explained exhaustively here.

Progressive Chess – A thorough online guide to Progressive Chess, with each side making a progressively greater number of moves on each turn.

Quadlevel – 3-d chess (4 half boards stacked). Site includes downloadable quadlevel chess software, quad boards for sale, history of the variant, and of course the rules.

SpeedChess – Online chess with a reduced size board. Play against the computer or against an online opponent (if there are any).


Symmetrical Chess Collection – Dozens of variants, all symmetrical using only sliding pieces for the Zillions of Games platform.

TouchDownChess – Chess crossed with American football?

Trancendental Chess – FischerRandom-like variant. Organizes e-mail tournaments.

TriChess – Chess for three.

Trigon Chess – Selling a variety of chess & checkers variants, all for three players.

Tucan Chess – Bigger board & some new pieces.

The Wild Games – Descriptions of all the wild games (variants) available to you on the Internet Chess Club (ICC). Includes in-depth pages on Loser’s Chess andBughouse.

World War Chess – Similar to chess, with military-themed pieces and some new twists.

Zillions Of Games – Software package allowing you to create almost any board game and be playing against an AI (or human) opponent immediately. Comes with hundreds of games (including many chess variants) built in, and more can be downloaded from their web site as people create them.


4/14/2020 – Classical chess is fine and fun. However, variety might add some spice to your chess life. Which is why Dagne Ciuksyte enjoys chess variants. They are fun, they are surprinsingly instructive and they help your classical chess. Here are some chess variants you might want to try.

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The pleasure of different of forms of chess

I use chess variants during my chess lessons because I believe in having a laugh now and then! And then dive into the depths of standard chess again. Moreover, how do you keep the interest in chess going if your student doesn't find solving chess puzzles (one after another) as entertaining as you do?

What if your students make the moves in standard chess just for the sake of it? They may not even have a clue that in chess we try to predict what's going to happen next. Or that we do quite a bit of planning. That's where a Double-Move game would come in handy!

I use chess variants as I believe in getting out of the comfort zone and giving the mind some work to do. In my Four-Way chess event, we don't even have the time control! I want to give players a chance to enjoy the challenge of playing against each without being a rush.

Do you struggle to calculate and to visualize positions? Play blindfold chess.

Still too hard? Try Half-Blindfold!

In any variant of chess, I recommend following the rules below.

1) The king can never be captured.

2) A check has to be parried with your next move.

1. Marseillais chess or Double-Move game


Players get two moves per turn.

If a check is given in the first of the two moves, the player loses his/her right to play the second move.

The player who is in check has to deal with it immediately before doing anything else. The king can not walk into check on the first move even if the second move would get it out of check again.


  • Encourages you to plan ahead!
  • The games are faster than standard games.
  • Helps to improve planning skills.
  • Helps to improve defensive skills as the pieces can be attacked and captured in the same turn.

2. Four-Player or Four-Way chess

A 4-Way chess board


Four-Way chess is a fun version of standard chess. Four players play on a special board.

Normal chess rules apply, except:

1. The game is over and the winner is the one who checkmates any of the other three kings!

2. Your pawns promote on your 8th rank!

3. One player moves after the next, clockwise.

4. Partnering between any of the four players is not allowed. Everyone should play for himself/herself!


  • It is social but slower than standard chess. But four players can play the same game.
  • The game improves patience – you have to wait for three others before you can make a move!

3. FischerRandom

One possible starting position in FischerRandom Chess


FischerRandom chess is a fun version of classical chess where normal chess rules apply except:

1. The starting position of the pieces is random (generated by a chess program). There are 960 unique starting positions.

2. The two bishops of both players move on squares of opposite colours.

3. The castling rules of standard chess apply, however, the starting position of kings and rooks might differ from what we are used to. When castling kingside the king moves to g1 (g8) and the rook to f1 (f8), just like castling kingside in standard chess.

When castling queenside the king moves to c1 (c8) and the rook to d1 (d8), just like castling queenside in standard chess.

4. Coming Out from Invisibility or Half-Blindfold chess

You may come across something like this in Half-Blindfold chess

List Of Chess Variants


Players start their game on an empty chessboard, visualising the starting position. Every time they make a move, the piece they moved appears on the board. All other pieces remain invisible to the players.


  • easier than Blindfold chess,
  • enhances visualisation
  • helps concentration skills,
  • encourages beginners to develop their pieces
  • a good diagnostic tool of a level of play:

Play Chess Variants Online

1. As the game progresses it is easy to spot pecularities of a player: is she/he hopping around with one piece; occupies the centre with pawns or plays with as many pieces as possible.

2. It is interesting to see who keeps track of all invisible pawns, especially when the middlegame is reached.

5. Blindfold chess

This is what you will see for the entire game!

The Chess Variants Club Download Free


Two levels of difficulty:

1. It is easier to play with an empty chessboard in front of the players,

2. Advanced: no chess equipment is used. You announce your moves to your opponent.


  • Harder than Half-Blindfold as you do not see one single piece during the entire game.
  • You should record the game to be able to reconstruct in case of a dispute.
  • Improves visualization skills.
  • Improves calculation skills.
  • Helps to master the name of the squares because you have to announce your moves.

6. Bughouse Chess


Two players (Team A) play on two boards against another two players (Team B). In both teams one player plays with White, the other with Black. Captured pieces are given to one's teammate. The captured pieces and pawns you do receive from your teammate can be placed on the board in your game. Normal chess rules apply, except:

1. The captured pieces on one board are passed to your teammate.

2. Instead of making a move you can put/’drop’ any captured piece onto any vacant square, though pawns may not be dropped onto the first or the eighth rank.

3. Dropped pawns can be promoted. The pawn goes to your teammate after a promotion is completed.

4. A rook that is put to the original square of the rook is considered not to have moved and you can castle with such a rook.

5. The pieces you receive from your teammate should not be hidden from your opponent.

6. Pieces can NOT be dropped to give checkmate.

7. Checkmate or flagging on either board ends the match.

8. Clocks should be placed at each end so that all four players can see the time on both clocks.

9. Players should not help their teammates during the games. But a friendly chat is allowed!


  • Extreme fun and a social variant of chess.
  • Encourages playing with more pieces.
  • Emphasizes the importance of king's safety. It is very hard to lose if you surround your king with defenders.

Hikaru Nakamura, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Levon Aronian and Maxim Dlugy have fun playing bughouse.

7. Giveaway or Losing, or Capture, or Take-It chess


The aim of this game is to lose all of your pieces except for your king!

Capturing the enemy pieces is compulsory. The players do their best to give their pieces away as soon as possible.


  • Improves awareness of possible captures.
  • Encourages paying attention to the moves your opponent has!
  • Improves problem-solving skills.

Chess Variants Online


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  • - Dagne’s official website.